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Values & virtues in Uptick

What are values & virtues and how to use them

Britta avatar
Written by Britta
Updated over 3 years ago

Use Uptick's values & virtues question to keep team values or individual virtues top of mind. This is an opportunity for a team member to reflect on their work or their role matters beyond just their tasks.

Setting up values & virtues

A manager sets up and manages virtues & values for each team member. These can be company or team values, or team-member specific virtues for personal or professional growth, etc.

Choose from the pre-populated list, or type anything you'd like and the option to add a custom virtue appears.

Edit, change, or delete a team member's virtues

To edit virtues, the manager needs to go in to edit the 1:1 and modify the question.

  • Click on a team member's name on the My 1:1s page

  • From the Actions menu choose "Edit"

  • Locate the virtues question, and make your changes.

  • When finished, click "Update 1:1".

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