The Users page is where you can view everyone in your organization that has been added to Uptick.
Everyone can view the page, and filter the list of users. If you’re an Account Owner, Admin, or Manager (shown by a label indicator next to your name) you’re able to make edits on this page, per your permission level.
The Users page is where an account Admin can deactivate users, and where individual users can be added.
See related articles:
Use page filters to view different user groups
The default view on the Users page is to view all active users on the account.
Click the 'Active Users" filter in the top left of the page to change the view to see users grouped by permission, status, manager, and more:
“Show All” will show both active and deactivated users.
“Managers" will show everyone who is assigned as the manager of at least 1 user.
"Managed by __" will show the users assigned to that manager in Uptick.
The filter you apply will remain even if you decide to go to another page or log out of Uptick. If you want to switch back to the default view, set the filter to “Active Users.”
Admins can invite users directly
Anyone can invite a user to Uptick by completing the setup of a new 1:1. If you’re an Admin, you can also invite new users directly from the Users page.
Everyone listed on the Users page has been added to Uptick, but any user who has the option to “send invite” or “resend invite” next to their name has either not been invited or hasn’t logged in to confirm their account yet.
“Send Invite”: The user was added to Uptick through the Users page or a 1:1 setup, but hasn’t been invited yet. Clicking this button will send an email invitation so they can login and confirm their account.
“Resend Invite”: The user was invited at some point, but hasn’t confirmed their account yet. Clicking this button will send another email to remind them to join Uptick.
“Send All Pending Invites”: Clicking this button will send email invitations to any users not yet invited, and a second invitation to any users who have already been invited but have never logged in.
How to deactivate a user (delete a user)
Only an Account Owner or Admin can deactivate a user. When a user is deactivated they will no longer be able to sign in to Uptick and their 1:1s will be archived.
To deactivate a user, click on the user’s name and a window will open showing their details. Click on the “User Status” and change to “Deactivated”. Once you click "Save" you'll be asked to confirm this change.
To reactivate a user:
First use the filter at the top of the page to view "Deactivated Users". Then click on the user's name, and change their “User Status" to "Active".
Reactivated users will be able to sign in to their accounts and see all their past data, however their 1:1s will remain archived.
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