Reviews Process Step 2: The Manager Evaluation
When an Admin starts the review cycle, team members will receive an email notifying them that they can login and start working on completing their self-evaluation.
Once the team member has submitted their evaluation, the review gets passed to the manager for their evaluation.
Where to view your team's reviews
On the Reviews page, reviews for your team members will appear under the "Reviews I Give" center tab. There, you will see if any reviews are ready for you:
A green circle with a dot indicates the evaluation is ready for you to start:
A green circle with an arrow indicates that you have started the evaluation but have not submitted/completed it yet:
To start the evaluation for a team member, click the 3-dot menu to the far right of the team member's name, and click "Start Evaluation".
You can start and finish the evaluation at any point, you do not need to complete it all in one session.
How to complete the manager evaluation
Watch: A walkthrough of how to fill out the manager evaluation
Once you click "Start Evaluation" (see section above) for a team member, the review will open, and you will see the different sections or questions.
Click on a section to view the full prompt and what your team member has written.
In each section you'll see the option to click "Insert a Note" or "Write a response":
Click "Write a response" and you'll see a text field for you to write your response
If that section has a rating (configured by an Admin), choose a score.
Click the "+" icon on the left side, or highlight any text, to see formatting options.
Click "Show Notes" as another way to view or insert any saved notes.
Tip: Use the Search tool (magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner) to review past 1:1 history or copy and paste comments into your evaluation responses.
[Optional] If you click "Insert a Note" (instead of "write a response") a window will open that allows you to view and select any notes you have saved for that team member
Once notes are selected, click the blue "Add" button and they will be added to your response field in a bulleted list.
Not seeing the notes you're looking for? Click on the topic or review cycle filters to view other topics or additional date ranges:
When you've finished writing your response, mark the section as "complete"
Located in the bottom right of each section:
All sections must be marked as complete before you can submit the evaluation.
See your progress at any point via the menu in the upper right
Click the clipboard icon to see your review steps and your completion progress.
Step 1, Tag Items from [Team Member's] Notes, is optional.
Step 2, Use Notes to Write [Team Member's] Review, shows your progress on completing each section of your evaluation. Using notes is optional. You can choose to just write all your responses and not use any saved notes.
Submitting your manager evaluation
Once you have written a response to each section and marked each section as complete, then the side menu will automatically slide out and you will see the option to click "Submit".
Once you have submitted your evaluation, then the review will be passed to the Approver (if applicable).
Once the review has been approved, then it will be back in your court to share with your team member so they can see what you've written, and meet to discuss it. In whatever order works best for you.
The final step of the process is the team member signing off on the review in Uptick.
Questions? Contact us via chat and we're happy to help!