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How to set up a goal

How goal-tracking works in Uptick, and how to set up a new goal

Britta avatar
Written by Britta
Updated over a week ago

Anyone can create and use goals in Uptick 🎯

We've designed goal-tracking to be simple, but with important details – allowing you to track things like specific action items connected to a goal, and the confidence level of being able to fully complete a goal.

Here are some quick details of how goals work:

  • Everyone has access to the Goals page, regardless of your role in Uptick.

  • Anyone can create and assign a goal.

  • Others can be added to be "In the Loop" on goal updates.

  • Goals can be made public or private.

  • Updates to a goal can be made inside of a 1:1, or at any point from the goal's detail page.

Setting up goals is difficult! It requires a lot of intentionality. Check out a blog post we have on How to Create and Track S.M.A.R.T Goals.

Click on the Let's Start tab or "Add Goal" button

Everyone in Uptick has access to the Goals page, and right away you'll see the "Let's start" tab to help you through the setup process:

Check out the video walkthrough and the sample goal to hear recommendations from Uptick. We want to help you create great goals πŸ’ͺ

Click one of the goal creation options to get started:

  • Create a goal for yourself

  • Create a goal for someone else

If you're viewing another part of the Goals page, like the My Team or My Goals tabs, click the blue "Add Goal" button in the upper right to access the goal setup:

Set up a new goal

Start by naming your goal – that's all that's required to save it – but then work your way down the list to add any other information you're ready to fill out. You can always edit this later.

Once you click "Save goal", you'll be taken to the goal detail page, where you can continue to fill out the rest of the fields, or edit anything you've already entered.

The goal detail page

After creating a goal you're taken to that goal's detail page, where you can add any other information you'd like to fully build out the goal:

At the top of the page you'll see a progress bar that reflects the goal setup status:

Click the eye icon on the right side of the progress bar to view the setup steps.

Click the pencil icon next to the goal name to make any changes.

Private vs public goal

A private goal means the goal is only visible to those "In the Loop". If you create a private goal and don’t add anyone to be "In the Loop", only you can see it.

A public goal is visible to your manager by default. Eventually there will be an "All Goals" page, where any public goals will be visible to everyone in your Uptick account.

Choose who the goal is assigned to

If you already selected someone in the goal setup window, that person will automatically show as the assignee. Click the dropdown menu to change the assignee.

Set dates for the goal's timeframe

Start and end dates aren't required, but help to set parameters around a goal.

Set the status of a goal

When a goal is first created, the status is automatically set to "Planning". When you've finished the setup, set the goal status to "Ready to Start" πŸš€

When you or your team member are ready to start tracking progress on the goal, set the status to "In Progress".

Other goal status options are "Blocked", "Completed", and "Abandoned", and the goal status can be updated at any point on the goal's detail page.

Describe the details of the goal & clarify importance

Even if the goal name feels self-explanatory it's important to write additional context about the goal. If you're a manager creating goals for your team members, it can help you really think about the work you're distributing.

Add a "why" for the goal – understanding the importance of a goal leads to greater personal ownership & success! The intent here is to make sure everyone who has visibility to the goal is on the same page about why it matters, and it helps the assignee see the impact of their work.

Keep people in the loop

Anyone else in your Uptick account can be added to be "in the loop" on a goal. This gives them the ability to view and edit the goal's detail page.

Any comments made about a goal inside of a 1:1 are always kept private between the two people who are meeting. But anyone "in the loop" can see the goal's detail page and anything recorded in the Updates section – progress or confidence indicators, and text comments.

Action Items

Action items are any tasks or small buckets of work that are part of completing the goal. Action items that are added on a goal's detail page are automatically connected to that goal. Each action item can have a due date, and they can be dragged and dropped in the list to reorder them.

Goal progress and confidence

We designed goals to have some visual indicators of where each one is at and how people are feeling about it. The progress scale and confidence of a goal can be updated at any point, either by a manager or team member in a 1:1 or by anyone who has access to the goal's detail page (anyone "In the Loop").

The progress section is unlocked once the goal's status is set to "In Progress".

The confidence section is unlocked once a goal has a due date, and when the goal's status is set to "In Progress".

Goal updates

The updates section is at the bottom of every goal detail page. and is visible to everyone who is in the loop on the goal. It logs anything that has been changed – like the goal status or assignee – and also has a place where you can write a text update.

Text updates written here are not connected to a 1:1 meeting. Comments written in a 1:1 meeting stay in that 1:1 meeting. Updates written on the goal's detail page stay on the detail page. Written updates have the option to send an email notification out to everyone in the loop.

Have a question about goals? Send us a chat message. We're here to help!

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