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Action Items

How to use action items in 1:1s, and how they connect to a goal

Britta avatar
Written by Britta
Updated over a week ago

Action items are work tasks that can be added within a 1:1, and/or connected directly to goals.

Using action item tracking in your 1:1s is a way to clarify work – a way for manager and team member to be on the same page, and place to have a record about what work is getting focused attention.

Action items are also part of goal-tracking in Uptick. Anyone can add a goal in Uptick, and action items are listed out as the steps of the goal, or work tasks, needed to complete the goal.

Action items in a 1:1

If the "action item tracking" question is added to a 1:1 (we recommend that!), then you'll see a two-part question on action items every time you meet:

If you're the person setting up the 1:1, that's all you need to do in the 1:1 setup – just have the question added like the screenshot above shows, and keep action items as showing up in "every 1:1".

If you're the person responding to the questions in the 1:1, you'll be the first one to write down or add action items. See below.

Responding to the action items questions in a 1:1

Question 1: How did the action items go that we agreed on in our last 1:1?

The first question pulls in any action items that were listed in the previous 1:1, where they can be checked off as complete, or carried over if not complete. If no action is taken on an action item, it will drop off the list for the following 1:1.

Question 2: Which action items will you focus on getting done by our next 1:1?

This question is where you list the things that you/the team member is planning to accomplish between now and the next time you meet.

If you are just getting started with action items, or if you have no carried-over action items, this is what you'll see:

Any action items that have already been added as part of a goal appear on the right side column. When you plan to complete/work on an action item, drag and drop it into the gray box area to add it to your "current" list.

You can also just start writing in new action items by clicking the gray text "Add Action Item here".

Action items that are added within a 1:1 can be connected to a goal, or they can simply be any other work task that the team member is working on.

Both manager and team member have the ability to edit, delete, or add action items in the 1:1 before the manager marks it as complete.

Once the manager has completed the 1:1, the action items are set.

Questions? Send us a chat message. We'd love to help!

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